Friday, February 22, 2019

Week 4: Podcast Review

S̄wạs̄dī khaa! For this week post, I will be doing a Podcast review!🙌 I decided to choose a podcast on Nandini's Thought, Episode 17 - Malaysian Timing. Malaysians are famous for not being on time whether it is a formal or informal occasion. They just being lax on time and ended up being late on a lot of occasions.

The reason that I chose this podcast was because I can really relate on her thoughts and complaints about how Malaysians being loose on time. I cannot be more agree on her points. I am a punctual person. I hate to be late on appointments so it is frustrating when someone who appointed the meeting time is the person who being late on turning up. As Nandini said, it can be funny when people make a meme and jokes out of it but it will be super irritating to wait and it is also disrespectful for making people to wait for you. It is also frustrating as being late has become a part of Malaysians' culture and people make of being late and giving excuses as a normal thing to do. 

For the overall review on this podcast, I would say it was a good podcast. The contents were clear and relatable as most of Malaysians had the experience of Malaysian timing. I like the way of Nandini delivered the contents in relaxed but still serious at some points when touching on this issue. All in all, it was a great podcast and I would love to hear more of her podcast in the future. 

Click on the link below to listen to more of Nandini's Thoughts:

I'm out,

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