Thursday, February 28, 2019

Week 5: Audio Recording and Editing

Ciao! I'm back again for the week 5's post. So, last week I made a review on a podcast and for this week I will be starting on a new assignment where my partner and I have to make our own podcast.

Before jumping into the making of the podcast, our Madam Azida introduced to us on the recording and editing tools that we can use to make our podcast. She gave some briefing and showed a few tools like Audacity, Bandlab, and Auphonic that we can use to record and edit our podcast.

We 'played' with the tools and explore more on reducing the noises, increasing the volume and adding the music. We used the snippet of our recording to work on how to get the best quality of podcast.

So, this our finalized podcast which we had uploaded in on the Soundcloud where people can listen to it for free.

Till next week,

Friday, February 22, 2019

Week 4: Podcast Review

S̄wαΊ‘s̄dΔ« khaa! For this week post, I will be doing a Podcast review!πŸ™Œ I decided to choose a podcast on Nandini's Thought, Episode 17 - Malaysian Timing. Malaysians are famous for not being on time whether it is a formal or informal occasion. They just being lax on time and ended up being late on a lot of occasions.

The reason that I chose this podcast was because I can really relate on her thoughts and complaints about how Malaysians being loose on time. I cannot be more agree on her points. I am a punctual person. I hate to be late on appointments so it is frustrating when someone who appointed the meeting time is the person who being late on turning up. As Nandini said, it can be funny when people make a meme and jokes out of it but it will be super irritating to wait and it is also disrespectful for making people to wait for you. It is also frustrating as being late has become a part of Malaysians' culture and people make of being late and giving excuses as a normal thing to do. 

For the overall review on this podcast, I would say it was a good podcast. The contents were clear and relatable as most of Malaysians had the experience of Malaysian timing. I like the way of Nandini delivered the contents in relaxed but still serious at some points when touching on this issue. All in all, it was a great podcast and I would love to hear more of her podcast in the future. 

Click on the link below to listen to more of Nandini's Thoughts:

I'm out,

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Week 3: Search Engine and Online Database + CMC

Nǐ hǎo! I am back again. This week I will be reviewing about the lesson on search engine and online database. First thing first, search engine is a web tool that allow users to enter keywords and find information on websites contained in its databases and every search engine has it own database. It took me a few seconds to get this sentences but as soon as I saw Google as the example, all the dark clouds just went away πŸ™†. I realized that I know all of these things and I use it every single day but I didn't know what it was called as. Now, I know that those are the ISP. I also learnt that everything that I used on daily basis is only the Surface Web whereas there are Deep Web and Dark Web that are dangerous for an innocent girl (πŸ˜¬πŸ‘€) to explore on. 

On the second class, we did CMC which is computer mediated communication. It is the form of communication which everyone familiar of like the emails and forums. There were two types of CMC; asynchronous which is the delayed communication that the messages cannot be exchanged immediately like emails and comments and synchronous which is real time communication that can be exchanged immediately like the chat and video conference. On this class, we were focused on the collaborative learning that can be used by a group of people by just using the internet to connect and work together. It was a great lesson as well.

Done with this week post! 


Friday, February 1, 2019

Week 2: CALLing and Canva-ing

Hola! It's the second week and it was time to learn about CALL. Well... I would not say it was my first time. I did some CALLing back in the Diploma days (psstt.. I was a teacher). The difference that I can say between now and then was, back then we were more focused on teaching. How to use it to teach and made the class exercise such as puzzle and crossword out of it. This time, it was more on the theory (not a fan but okay). I was introduced again about the history, the types; which was new, and who and how it was used and related to the pedagogy. It was interesting and I get to know the people behind the CALL which are the software designers.

And.... as for the activity of the week, our madam introduced Canva to us. I have heard it before but never had a chance to use it. Let me tell you this. This activity was not enough for an hour class. Maybe because of I am the type that really get into it once I got the hang of it. I was so into editing with the Canva that suddenly the class ended. All in all, I had fun playing around with it.

So, that's it for this week's post. I wonder what we will learn next? πŸ‘€
